All content © Good and Plenty Corporation
2002–2005, all rights reserved. Unauthorised
copying, distribution, smuggling, quoting, referencing, reprinting and
mentioning of any part or parts of this website including images, sounds,
text and certain shades of the colour blue, using digital or non-digital
storage devices is strictly prohibited, as is the mimicking of any of
the reproduced room situations, Good and Plenty products, moustache-styling
ideas, costumes, DJ mix-styles and shoes. Good and Plenty reserves the
single exclusive global right to steal, manipulate and to otherwise
recontextualize any material found anywhere on the internet or otherwise,
be it textual, image or audio-based, in its single all-consuming aim
to provide its clients with non-stop, pumping, first-class entertainment.
Failiure to comply with any one, all or combination of the above clauses
will result in esculating degrees of public humiliation of a very personal
and sinister nature of the violating party followed by massively complicated,
expensive and time-consuming law suits. The claims "Funky Fresh",
"Don't Fake the Funk" and "Taking care of the Funk",
as well as the phrases "Increase your F.U.N.K. Size", "Your
F.U.N.K. is Thick and Wet", "Add Inches to your F.U.N.K.",
the titles "Our Exclusive Five-Star Audio-Safari" and "A
Light Supper followed by a Long Leisurely Fuck" and the name "Top
Spanky Productions" are all protected under the global copyright
conditions set down by the Good and Plenty Corporation. For the 664
page complete and unabridged guide to all Good and Plenty copyright
regulations please send a stamped and addressed bubble-wrap, A4 envelope
to the Good and Plenty Legal Division in Bern, Switzerland.